Always being sick


I am 19 weeks and 3 days and most of the time spend in the bathroom hugging the loo bring up everything (even water) it then cos me to have this really sore head and want to be in bed all day I have never ever felt this bad through a pregnancy and not a clue how to move it on. I’ve been to the doctor and apparently they can’t do anything to help (anyone has any ideas I have tryed the dryed biscuits in the morning sitting outside in the freash air and lieing in bed until it pass I can have the odd morning/day where I up dressed eat toast and set on about my day but the next am bk to the odd ways starting to worry that wee man will /can’t be getting enough to grow or develop if there is nothing in there for him take wat he needs I manged to keep too too salads down at a very push on Wednesday night and Thursday night but that’s not bound to give him wat he needs been like this for a month now don’t get me wrong I have loved every moment growing and making the wee man bit starting to hope September cames fast and then I can start to get weight on him I pray every night he is safe and happy in there got my 20 week scan on wed so fingers crossed ladies that he doing great and growing the way he should hopefully just hopefully I can then lie my worry’s aside xxxx