Cervix check...... OW!


I’m 38 weeks and 5 days and I had my cervix checked yesterday to see how dilated I am. Ok, first of all, I think all first time mamas need a warning at how painful it could be. I nearly punched her in the face it caught me off guard.

I’m 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced... eek! I was in such shock from the pain, I couldn’t even comprehend what she was saying or think to ask questions 😂. I have a scheduled admit date on 04/24 if I don’t go by then to have my water broken and get things started.

Prior to my cervix check, I was having Braxton Hicks which are uncomfortable but now they are crazy painful every 10-15 minutes. Is that normal? Am I having real contractions now or is it from my check?