Baby hasn’t peed in 9hours! UPDATE


Baby girl is 10 weeks old and normally has about 6-8 wet diapers a day. Usually 1 or 2 at night. However, she hasn’t peed in 9 hours. Around 9:30pm last night I changed her diaper, fed her and put her to sleep. She woke up around 3am to feed and didn’t have a wet diaper which I thought was kinda odd but didn’t really think too much into it and just fed her and put her back to sleep. She woke up again at 6am for another feed and still no wet diaper and now I’m a little concerned. Fist time mom here so I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not. I exclusively BF but I have felt my let down every single feed and she’s actually coughed on the let down so I know she’s getting fluids. Anyone else experience this? Advice? Should I take her to the doctor?

Update: she woke up again at 9am & had a soaked diaper! Thank god! I was getting super worried. Definitely going to keep an eye the rest of the day and will call the ped if it still seems off throughout the day.