

I am someone who believes very much in the human energy system. That we all have an aura and energy chakras...and that things that happen to us can stay with us in that energy system and effect us through our lives. That being said...the thought of my new fresh out the womb precious baby boy getting cut in the most private area of his body makes me ill! are only wondering..."Well if that's how you feel don't have it done"! the dilemma comes because my sig. other is Jewish and to him it's happening. I know I am Mom and have ultimate say... but feel I need to respect him too. And if he is getting circumcised should I have it done at hospital or at home with the mohel!?... He is open to either..he just wants it done. There is a Jewish doctor at the hospital that can do it at the house with blockers....just like at the hospital. Also a woman told me if I do agree to have him circumcised it actually may be better to do it the 8 days later because doing it sooner (day or so after birth in hospital) may disrupt nursing because they get so distressed it makes them sleep for a long time and you haven't yet established a nursing habit/schedule!... much on my mind and I just want to do what is right for my little man!