17 weeks... EDD: 28th Sept - anyone else? ☺️✨

Amy • 24, England. Mama to 3 amazing beautiful babes. George; 10|07|15. Di/Di Twin girls; Amelia & Isobel. Born at 35w+5d - 29|08|18 💕💙✨

Hello ladies!

I'm currently 17 weeks (and one day) pregnant with my Di/Di twins who are due September 28th. Just wondering if anyone else is due on this day or around it? How are you all feeling? Compared to my singleton pregnancy back in 2015 I'm literally having the time of my life so far! **Touch Wood** 😁 Three more weeks until we know what our lil' bundles of joy are and we all can't wait to know, especially their big brother! Share pictures of your twin bumps, I love seeing them - i'm so excited that mine is finally coming in as a proper bump now! 👶🏼👶🏼✨