Endurance day

H • Probably the only conservative on this app. Oh well. I don’t really care if you have something to say to me.

Had endurance day today. Ran 2 miles in 16:50 minutes

I was quite surprised when I finished in that time.

We also did 40 push-ups in a minute, 45 sit-ups in a minute, we ran the bleachers 5 times, we did 100 yd sprint and 40 yd sprint, we did 40 squats, and we raced to see who could pick up the most cones after.

I'm finally over with it.

Now for my black belt test on May 20. Endurance day was to see who had trained and who's ready to be a black belt. I'm testing for my 2nd degree. (Bo dan has no stripe. 6 months later you test for 1st degree which has 1 stripe. 2 years later you test for your 2nd degree)