Sooo nervous TTC time has arrived.


So I have tell this to someone & I truly feel like a group of women going through the same emotions should be the right audience.

I am the proud mommy of a 20 month old baby boy. He is literally my answered prayer after taking my battle with Endometriosis into the OR back in July of 2015 he came into existence December 2015– BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!

At the start of the year after 3 long months of consideration I decided to have a talk with my s/o about trying for Baby #2. I figured I didn’t want to give my illness a chance to continue to progress & rob me of my chance to conceive a second child. Along with PLENTY of other reasons. He told me if it were up to him, we would have had a 2nd child by now but he didn’t want to put too much on me. So he basically left it up for me to decide when I was ready.

I am terrified of disappointing him or our family if I’m unable to get pregnant a 2nd time so I told him we’d proceed normally & if I decide to try & I’m successful, I’ll surprise him. I guess this is my way of keeping my failure a secret— if it doesn’t happen.

A few days after our conversation I had my IUD removed. I had it in only 3 months. After my withdrawal bleeding I started my period & began taking OPK’s straight away in February.

I’ve had to take a few HPT from then until now but & got BFNs. I made it a goal to track my cycle for few months until I felt ready. I wanted a baby next year so now is the right time to start trying. Any baby conceived starting now will be born in 2019. His bday is in January & I’m HOPING to surprise him for Father’s Day.

I’ve been hiding all my supplies in plain sight for months now. Let’s hope I don’t get caught & my surprise gets ruined! 🙈

Best wishes to all those hoping this cycle is their cycle BABY DUST TO YOU ALL! ✨✨✨✨

Thanks for reading.