TMI: Pregnancy Discharge vs PMS discharge.

When I was pregnant with my son, who’s now 18 months, I can remember several times throughout my pregnancy and even right before I found put I was pregnant where I would get gushes of clear, watery discharge. Early in my pregnancy, I would think AF started and run to the bathroom just for it to be clear discharge. Later on in my pregnancy, it caused scares like me mistaking it with my water breaking.

I’m now TTC & 2 days before AF, having tons of symptoms and my breasts have even gotten so swollen I’ve gotten more stretch marks on them in the last week than I did with my son ever.

I’m now experiencing the gushes of clear, watery discharge 2 days before AF. I spotted a little bit yesterday. To my knowledge, discharge before your period is thick & white, not watery.

I’m curious as to how everyone else’s PMS discharge differs from early pregnancy discharge, if it does at all? I’m also trying to mentally prepare myself for AF, so if you get watery discharge before AF, I’d like to know. I know its TMI, but knowing other people’s experiences helps.