Almost 43 and pregnant with Rainbow baby..


I’m 6wks 5dys! I’ve had a crazy 1 1/2 years of chemical, ectopic, and miscarriage, then a failed

<a href="">IVF</a>

!😓😐 With this one, I’m trying to totally embrace it as my tummy is growing really fast. I decided to choose joy over doubt or fear. This is such a difficult road to navigate each time. I’m finding that sharing we’re pregnant has helped me rather than waiting. I figure I’ll have that much more understanding, transparency and support either way! Thank you to everyone who shared your journey on here. Knowing we’re not alone is such a huge blessing!!

The ultrasound I had was at an early 4 wks 6 dys.. Wondering if it kinda looks like there are two sacs there! They said it was too early and come back on 26th. What do you all think, Twins or Singleton?