PLEASE HELP! (Don’t know where to post this!)

Abigail • Mama to Oliver & Malachi. Following Jesus and leading his son.

Last night my boyfriend ran into Walmart and grabbed these test. At around 2 in the morning i peed on one, and it seemed defective! The part that tells you it would be negative did not show up (the smaller circle type thing) but a line showed up on the big circle. As I sulked back to the bed and told him I didn’t know the results he told me to just put it back into the container. I woke him up for work around 6-ish and made him his breakfast, and packed his lunch. He left and I decided to test again. I peed in a cup instead because past time I thought I maybe peed on it to much. I dipped it in, and waited 6 minutes. NOTHING! Nothing showed up, no lines, just nothing. I then waited maybe and hour till I had to pee again and peed on it this time. I waited a few minutes and BAM! It says positive. I just took out the second one and that says positive too. PLEASE HELP. I don’t know if I’m pregnant, or maybe I did something wrong.

UPDATE: I’m pregnant!