I just have to say


I just have to say there are good/great In laws out there. I have great in laws. Love them like they where my own family. I have had two losses. One an ectopic that I spent a month in and out of the hospital with. I’m the end had to have a surgery to remove the tube. Break my heart. It was around Christmas. I remember thinking it going to suck. I was in so much and and tired all the time from the pain killing. But I had to go to the family Christmas party. I slept on my bil 🛋 most the time. No one said anything bad or hurtful. My fil that didn’t know what was going on asked if I was ok and if he could do anything. My bil got my a blanket so I would not be cold. Because that was another thing the pain killer did was make me cold. When I got home after the surgery my mil had flowers delivered to the house. Because as she said I can’t make it before but I can give you something pretty to look at love you feel better.

They act as if I’m family and I love them for it. Which sure I am now but they did even before I married my husband.

Just know not all in laws are bad or mean. Some are great and loving. I hope everyone finds that but if you don’t I hope it not as bad as some of the stories I have seen on here.