mental health conference putting the blame on a parent?

today I went to a child psychology conference and they pretty much blamed all mental health issues and whether or not a person can think rationally in adult years solely on their interactions with their parent in their early years. that bugged me. I am not a parent but im a child care provider, I am around children all day with all different behaviours, situations and cultures. sometimes a parent can do everything in their power to maintain a healthy and positive relationship and have nothing but positive interactions as well as use nothing but positive guidance strategies and their children can still have behaviours and mental health problems. parents are not in control of what experiences their child has outside of the home. you cannot shelter your child from peers, other adults as well as different environmental factors. yes, your interactions with your child are huge in shaping your child but a child can have 3 traumatic experiences outside of the home and end up with mental health issues and negative connections within their brain.