Jenna • Had my beautiful son in May 2017. Baby #2 due September 2020❤️

So today I'm 9dpo. My fiance and I BD on the 12th since my CM was egg whites. After, I noticed some ovulation spotting which is the same I had when we tried to get pregnant with our son. On the 15th I was getting very painful cramps all day and noticed some brown spotting, which is weird to me since I never bleed between periods. The first few days after I ovulated I was very moody and crampy but now the past 3 days I've been getting little to no symptoms. I always crave chocolate when I'm PMS'ing but this month I'm not craving anything. I'm just sleepy more than usual, like today I took a 3 hour nap and the past few days I've had to force myself to stay awake. That would be the only "pregnancy symptom" that I could think of. Period is in 3 days and all tests are negative. I can't help but to think it's not my month and starting to get disappointed. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Baby dust to everyone trying for a late December/January baby