So.... what’s this mean?

Bianca & Morgan • Chill couple ❤️ Currently Pregnant

I’m so confused I haven’t received a simple text (which takes all of three seconds to write and send) in over 10 days from him. Usually he only texts me once a day when I do hear from him. Lately I haven’t received any communication back on his end. I’m 7 1/2 months pregnant and he lives two states away so it’s a semi long distance relationship. He went to at least one strip club when he could have came to visit me and hasn’t made it to visit me since October (which conveniently is the time he put this child up in my womb). I’m pregnant, I have needs, we split up for a little bit and stopped talking for a little over a month, but since then he’s been my “boyfriend” I guess since we started planning a future together, here’s yet another problem on top of the extreme lack of communication, I’m planning everything all by myself since I don’t currently work. I’m so close to blocking all his contact information as well as that of this one extremely thirsty local guy who gives me the creeps. Any advice out there? I really need to get my own place but I know I can’t be a single parent either with how I have asbergers, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain issues due to crappy genetics I was born with, I need a support system and help with raising a child I won’t be able to take to much before breaking (all parents reach a breaking point eventually mine is probably gonna happen a lot sooner with how crappy my mental health is). Please note:: I put one child up for adoption already and I couldn’t do that again, I don’t have the strength to go through that process a second time it would make my already bad mental health and emotional health that much worse seeing as i don’t trust a single living soul on this planet (my family stood by for over 10 years and let me get abused, which made me feel extremely neglected) ((I have no safe space anywhere right now and no private space I sleep in my moms living room and I can’t wait til I can get out of here))