It only took 11 years but...


Looks like I’m finally getting my degree!!! I actually finished in 2015 apparently but I was short one class so I never applied. This week I’ve been working with my academic advisor and it looks like we can finalize my degree. My husband has been so supportive and he says he can’t wait for me to start my Master’s Program because he knows how much it means to me, having been off and on college since 2007 thanks to rising costs of tuition and needing to pay rent and work myself through college. But now the next step for our beautiful life is a baby! We’ve been trying for four months and now that I’ve got my degree I’m hoping the universe decides it’s finally our time. I now have a more stable future to provide for a child with a degree to my name to earn a better living... And I couldn’t get to where I am without my hubby !!! Here we are celebrating last night. This chick now has her BA. 👩‍🎓