Breaking my heart


Not about current pregnancy 🤰🏻

This morning my seven year old asked if his last name was my fiancé name. I just started bawling this sweet loving boy just wants to have the same name as the man he calls Daddy and currently there in nothing I can do to change it. He hasn’t seen his bio dad in four years and the last almost three years he’s been calling my fiancé daddy. It wasn’t anything we asked my son to call my fiancé, in fact after the first time we as a family had a long conversation about how my son doesn’t have to call him dad that it about what he wants to call him even if that is his first name but my son knows and hasn’t called him anything but daddy since. (We have also had the conversation as he was older to make sure he knows it’s his choice)

As a side note I am going for full custody of my son (bio is fighting me on custody even though he has nothing to do with his son this all about having control over me, since I brought up the proceedings all he has done is been disrespectful to me but still refuses to see his son or ask to see his so ) but even if I get full right unless the court terminate his right on a case of abandonment or he gives up his rights my fiancé can’t adopt my son as much as he wants to. Which means the name change can’t happen until he 18 and legally can do it himself without having to have both parents agree.