I finally get to share my story...


Well on 4/18 I had been having contractions for the last week or so, but they were manageable. I had a Dr appt on 4/19 but the contractions got very strong and back to back, went in the ER over 50 mins from my house, around 8pm and stayed contracting but had a terrible headache 🤕 ER sent me home around 4am bc I was not in active labor. As I stated I had an appointment the next morning at 1030 which bc I had just left the hospital and slept for maybe 2 hours wasn’t going to go to until I called my OB office and they begged me to come in, I went ahead and complied and came in for the first time without my husband, I waited for 3hours then finally I was able to see my Dr which things got kinda scary for me. I was in so much pain and they found protein in my urine and my bp was high, I was be coming preeclamptic! My Dr was going to go ahead and induce me the next day and then changed his mind, I need to go in Right now and take the baby via c-section. I was so sad because I was ready but hubby was home, we were able to get in contact with his mother and she went and got him and we made our way to the hospital, the next morning Tavon B. Williams was born at 10:38 am.

My Lil Rainbow Baby 👶🏽 ❤️💋