Sucks to suck

I used to like this guy. He asked me out but we had just met so I declined. About a month or so later, we were hanging out in his room & one thing led to another. I was an awkward, antisocial butterfly so I made it very hard for us to talk about anything cause I wouldn’t say anything or keep the conversation going. Our “relationship” went dwindling down & we just stopped talking at one point. He met someone & they’ve been dating for about 8 months now I’d say. I’m talking to a guy who turned out to be his cousin & they literally live together. I didn’t find out until one day that I went over (they moved houses) & I saw him there. Never had I seen the guy at his old place & they’re only friends on Facebook but I have some people as friends who idk so I didn’t think anything of it (plus they have different last names). Sometimes when I’m outside their place waiting in my car, I’ll see him get out & we have these really long stares until one of us looks away. I may still have feelings for him but he’s in a relationship & I’m not one to mess that up 😏..

Update: the face & dots are just there because I wanted to put them there 🤨 you’re reading too much into it.