possible contractions...


so this is baby number 2 for me. today I woke up needing to clean my house. so I started in the bathroom. scrubbed it all clean and moved to the hallway and kitchen I got about halfway through the kitchen when I felt like I was being punched in the stomach. so I thought... oh great Braxton hicks. grabbed 4 bottles of water and headed upstairs to lay down for a while. drank the water, had to get up to pee and noticed that they weren't getting any better. so I jumped in the shower. still no luck. I'm only 22 weeks 6 days. they aren't painful anymore just there and more abnoy6ing, no real pattern. could these still be Braxton hicks? what else besides water, rest and a shower can I try? this has been going on for about 4 hours now. thanks ladies. with my son I had consistent Braxton hicks starting at 28 weeks until I delivered at 39 weeks.