8 weeks late, but here it is!


On the 27th of February at 1pm, 41+4 weeks pregnant I went for my membrane sweep which was really painful for me, it felt like the worst period pains of my life as she was doing it. As I was waiting to get my notes back from the midwife to go home I felt that something was not right, I was really wet down there so I went to the bathroom to check and I was bleeding bright red blood really heavily, I shouted for a midwife to come and look and I was taken to hospital right away.

This is where it got horrible, when I got to the hospital I was giving birth in I was checked over and told I was fine, I got told I wasn’t in labour ever though I was contracting and they tried to send me home. I refused to leave as I knew something wasn’t right so they put me in a room at about 11pm and palmed me off all night, I pressed my buzzer countless times crying and begging for some form of pain relief but was refused every single time. Around 9am came and I pressed my buzzer again and a new midwife came, I was begging to be checked and she finally did, I was at an 8!! An 8 and I had beed told I was not in labour all night, I was taken down to labour and delivery, pushed for 2 hours with no pain relief or gas and air and gave birth to my beautiful boy Jackson William who was 9lb 5oz and 57cm long 💙