Bringing husband on board


I really want to do blw. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get my husband on board. He pointed out that our 4 month old daughter’s pediatrician said she could start eating baby food. When I asked him why he was so opposed to blw, he said that he doesn’t want to deal with the mess. He also wants to start with purées and other squishy foods until “she has enough teeth to chew solid things properly.”

Last night, he couldn’t understand why I reacted badly when he grabbed a medicine dropper and loaded it up with homemade chicken soup broth. This was after she didn’t swallow it from a spoon and I told him she wasn’t ready for anything but breastmilk. I dug my heels in and said absolutely not when he suggested putting a half ounce or so in a baby bottle for her. His argument was that she would take the broth “better” from something already familiar. However, he wasn’t the one up with her screaming until 5am (we had a late dinner around 1am, when he got home from work.)

I know she isn’t ready. Besides only being 4 months, she only sits propped up - not on her own, and she hasn’t lost the tongue thrust reflex. In addition, getting him on board, how do I trust him not to keep doing things like this, since he is the one taking care of her while I’m at work?