What could it be


Hi my LMP was 2/18/18. I had sex 10 days later on 3/2/18and started spotting, this lasted the rest of the day only when I wiped it lasted part of the next day. AFwas due 3/19/18 nothing then on 3/24 I spotted when I wiped a couple time that day then nothing and when I wiped in the morning on 3/26/18 The same. I never had any spots on the pad🤦🏽‍♀️. AF was due 4/17/18 nothing my test have been negative. I have been sleeping a lot and none of my pants fit. Last night I had 3 sips of Ciroc and instantly vomited very unusual for me because I can usually drink. Any ideas of what it could be?

Also one pregnancy I didn’t get a positive until after 8 weeks

Next baby only showed with a trans vaginal ultrasound but this one was in my tubes