Missed Miscarriage

Nicole • Happily married to the man of my dreams. Mom of 2 girls, Elena and Esme, and 3 👼👼👼 .

This week I went in for a dating ultrasound. I was supposed to be 9 Weeks, 5 days. Well the baby was only measuring 7w1d, and had no heartbeat. I was holding out hope, but today the bleeding has begun. Light, but it’s there. I’m sad to lose this baby, but look forward to being able to have another one soon and go to full term. Hoping it doesn’t take so long to conceive next time. It took us 8 months. This would have been my 3rd. So now I have 1 beautiful 2 year old girl, and two babies in heaven. Good luck to all you Mama’s out there who are experiencing loss. Don’t give up. ❤️