Baby born 2 months early 💙


Today I woke up at 11am to contractions a minute apart, so I hung out, packed, woke up my so and told him it's time to go, I got dressed, left my house at 1:30pm as I had to wait for the babysitter. Got to the er 10 mins later, At only 31 weeks I thought false alarm and they will be able to stop labor. Boy was I wrong! I was 6cm. They TRIED to start an iv but I didn't have sh*t for veins since I didn't get a chance to eat or drink yet for the day. So she missed the vein 😐 Im now crying in pain and just want an iv so I can have some meds, 2 mins later I told her you need to hurry up and get me out the er to a room, she never got an iv started 😔 As there wheeling me up to delivery I'm telling them again hurry up I'm feeling pressure on my a**! 🤣 She says do you feel like pushing, I said not yet but HURRY UP! They pushed me faaaast to my room, 3 contractions later I'm uncontrollably pushing. When I said that like 20 doctors arrived to assist since he was so early and I was going so fast. Next contraction I pushed his head out, took a 5 sec breather and then the shoulders 😯 still no iv for pain meds🖕 He was born screaming and breathing on his own 2 months early!! The nicu took him away and monitored my heavy bleeding for 2 hours before I could see him again. X'eion was born at 2:18 pm and 3lb 12oz