

I was baptized and raised in the Catholic faith, my husband was baptized and raised Presbyterian. We got married in the Catholic Church. We aren’t actively going to any church. Our LO is four months next weekend.

My mom is one of nine in an Irish Catholic family and my grandma asked my mom this past weekend about getting Jack baptized. So therefore she asked me about it, or to start looking into any church to get it down and sooner if i wanted my son to wear the christening gown every child and grandchild as worn.

My husband wants to wait until our LO is old enough to make a choice on his own and support him that way.

I’m on the fence (yes, well aware this should be something discussed prior to children), but honestly in the haze of newborn life and going back to work, it hasn’t been an issue or priority.

It’s more of a #catholicguilttrip, that one may not understand if you weren’t raised that way.

I know we should do things on our own terms and not let outside members dictate what we do. Just trying to vent/get some non-judge mental opinions!