PTSD after birth

Along with dealing with depression and anxiety in the past, I was diagnosed with PTSD from an incident that happened when I was 16. I was sexually assaulted by somebody that I thought I could trust. Fast forward to now (24), I’m married and have a 2 &1/2 month old. I had a pretty traumatic experience with my attempt to give birth at a birthing center with a midwife and it triggered flashbacks and anxiety when it comes to having sex. Tonight, for the first time, I had flashbacks while making love with my husband. I think I made a huge mistake by telling him though. I’m pretty sure I crushed his heart because he felt so bad. I don’t want him to blame himself and the only reason I told him is because I couldn’t stop crying afterwards. I’ve been with my husband for 3 years and I’ve ALWAYS felt safe with him and I love him so much. We have an amazing relationship, so I guess I’m just not understanding how even through so much love, something so traumatic can take over. I’ve sought counseling throughout the years, but I guess this is just a whole new issue. I’m aware I need to seek a new therapist, but I guess I’m just wondering if anybody has been through a similar situation and how y’all got through? This is just one of the worst feelings 😞