I need help- opinions please!

I don't know how to deal with this anymore. I feel like I'm being too immature reacting this way with this guy I've been seeing for a few months. He is (6) years older than me (24) and he works a full-time job. He works mostly six days a week and only off on Sundays. So we mostly see each other on Sundays because of work and school.

We planned to hangout yesterday, but he cancelled literally the last minute and I was frustrated and upset. He told me he had to do something at work (he works in a local fire dept.) and it would take him a few hours to finish. When I told him that's kind of upsetting, he told me he could hangout after if he finishes early. But he obviously didn't and he left me on inbox (he's online).

He's flaked on me a bunch of times but I don't seem to learn to just ignore him or even just keep it on the down low that I really wanna see him when he asks me if I'm available on a certain day, certain time. We're not official or something, but it's just so rude to cancel last minute when we've planned on yesterday for days.

What advice can you guys give? Hopefully nice ones.