My NICU angel


Fiona was born on 4/16/18 @ 37 weeks due to my IUGR. Her birth weight was 4lbs 6oz, she WAS thriving. While we were in the hospital she did have some low blood sugar readings as well as some lower temperatures but after 3 days she was regulated.. so we thought. We brought Fiona home from the hospital and started to notice how difficult it was to get her to eat and she was just not herself, she was exhausted. I took her to her pediatrician and that’s when we found out she had a very low temperature, we decided to take her to the urgent care where we were immediately transferred to Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Fiona was rushed to the ER almost instantly, cold baby is code for hypothermia. Everything happened so fast, IVs were set up she was on oxygen they drew her blood and even collected fluid from her spine to check for infection. Thankfully little miss doesn’t have any infection or virus that could be causing this. Unfortunately she did have a high levels of bilirubin which means she was very jaundice as well as extremely dehydrated essentially causing her body to shut down. The doctors believe that her being a little premature has caused all this to happen. Right now Fiona is doing okay- still having issues regulating her temperature on her own, she is on oxygen and now she is having low blood pressure/lower heart rate - all related to her size and that she is still very immature. Sweet girl is drinking her bottles faster and faster everyday and smiling from ear to ear. Fiona, despite the obstacles you have faced in your short days of life you are so perfect. You’re the strongest little girl and I can’t wait to leave this all in the past. I’m trying so hard to stay strong for you but you’re doing that for me instead.