GBS or Candida cause of stillbirth at 20 weeks?!


Okay ladies, I’m searching and searching because doctors have found no reason yet as to why my precious Haven was found with no heartbeat at 20 weeks. There was significant bleeding in the brain, according to the autopsy. We’ve been through genetic testing, blood testing, just about everything, and no answers. Except a possible infection which they cannot prove.

Now I am pregnant with my second. 9 weeks currently, and I’m freaking out.

I can’t help but think back to everything I did, when I was sick, what infections I had in my last pregnancy, etc.

I was diagnosed with Group B Strep (GBS) last pregnancy as well as this one. Which I think many women have and they just treat upon delivery. So I never worried about it. But upon further research (online medical articles), there have been several cases where GBS has been known to cause stillbirth before 28 weeks. I asked my doctor and they say that couldn’t be the cause.

Also, researched candida (yeast infection) as cause of stillbirth, and there are tons of cases out there.

Anyone had a similar situation and found out GBS or candida caused miscarriage or stillbirth?

Or had either of these and were treated during mid-pregnancy?

Thank you!