19 and Pregnant

I’m 19 and my husband it 20. We have been wanting a baby for a couple of months but haven’t gotten a chance to actually try because we were long distance. We were both in the military so eventually he joined me in my student status then he was stationed elsewhere I was still attending school. Since we were both in a student status at one point it wasn’t the best circumstances for conceiving a child. After a month of not seeing each other we finally moved in together and you know what that meant.., LOTS AND LOTS of baby making practicing. i was only 7 DPO when my boobs started feeling sore and heavy but I was just like oh AF is coming maybe that’s why. And I had some cramping as well do I thought for sure AF! I let it go whatever and the following week my husband and I were st Walmart doing some grocery shopping and we decided to buy a pregnancy test. So soon as we got home my husband went outside to work on the car while I stayed in and cooked. As I began to cook I got curious about the tests I didn’t think I was going to see anything but anyway I took it. I set it down on the counter and covered it with the box it came in I set a timer on and went back to cooking waited the 3 minutes.. Those were the longest 3 minutes of my life. (Btw I was 13 DPO) i heard it ringing but I was hesitant. I walked in to the bathroom mind you the lights were off I saw two line but I was like it’s dark my eyes are playing with me. I switched on the light super fast and saw my BFP. And I was so excited I didn’t know whether to run to the garage to tell my husband or wait. I decided to wait I finished cooking and told my husband to come in.. I served his plate and as he prayed I held the pregnancy test where he could see it clearly. He just stared at it and asked me if I was serious. He couldn’t believe it. He got so excited and overjoyed he shed some tears. I know were young and all but honestly God is good. He wouldn’t give you anything you can’t handle. So I know we’re ready. We can’t wait to welcome our little bundle of joy to the world.