Nursing mommy help!!


I’m EBF my 10 month old baby girl. She refuses a bottle and a pacifier. She still nurses every 3-4 hours. She will only fall asleep with my breast in her mouth. She uses me as her pacifier. I have to hold her during the day when she naps or else she SCREAMS. She has to sleep next to me (mainly because of nursing to sleep) she wakes up all throughout the night only so I can pacify her back to sleep. No one else can even hold her after a certain time at night. Only me. I have put her in her crib for naps and she instantly wakes and screams. I have let her cry for 30 minutes before just so I could shower alone and as soon as I pick her up she is completely fine. I’m exhausted. I feel like a prisoner to breastfeeding. If I could just get her to sleep without using me as a pacifier I feel like it would help so much. Please give me advice. I’m so stressed and it’s taking a toll on my marriage