Faint line or Evap line? Help?!


Since the birth of my second baby, Aurora, my cycles were off. Like, I wouldn't have one for sometimes 3 months in a row. My cycles didn't start normal again until about 4-5 months ago. I honestly don't remember the exact date of my last cycle because I was in jail (Please don't judge, I should not have been there, everything was dropped lol) but my best guess is March 15th(Or a few days before or after). I was released April 4th. I was sexually active with my BD from April 5th to April 14th. My sex drive was crazy high around April 9-14, which is strange for me because since the birth of my daughter it was almost nonexistent. I thought my cycle was coming on but now I feel maybe I ovulated late because my cycle never came. That wo

uld make me about two weeks late now. Something told me to take a pregnancy test last week, not actually thinking I was. A very faint line, barely noticeable unless you looked closely appeared but about 6mins later. It was a cheap test and the box said I had to check before 10mins or its invalid. I still thought it wasn't right. I took another this weekend and another faint line appeared. Around the same time frame as well. The are so faint it makes me think they could just be evaps. But since it has been twice, want to be sure I'm not just too early to test so I dont have enough HCG. I'm going to buy a better bran in the morning that is more sensitive. What do y'all think? Also, I've been nauseous and vomiting for about a week