What am I doing wrong? Only getting 1/2 ounce every time I pump...


New to pumping (currently EBF), discouraged because I’m trying to build up a stash for going back to work and I can’t seem to get more than 1/2 ounce every time I pump. Here’s what I’m doing so far:

- Brand new Medela Pump in Style with all new parts. And triple checked the membranes and valves to make sure they are all working.

- Tried a larger flange (27 mm), and I think they are better... but I’m thinking of trying the 24mm again to see if they work better.

- Tried pumping double, for 10-15 minutes with an extra “letdown” halfway to see if it helps restart the flow of milk.

- Tried pumping single, left breast for 10-15 minutes then the right one...

- have tried to massage my breasts when the pump is going (this has been how I’ve gotten the most milk out... even if it’s just 1/4 ounce)

-Tried taking a hot shower 🚿 beforehand

- Try to pump early in the morning (have tried early in the afternoon too)

- I’ve recently started to drink Mother’s milk tea to see if I can help get my supply up, but I shouldn’t have an issue with my supply as my LO is gaining weight.

Things I could be doing that might prevent milk from expressing:

- I’m exclusively breastfeeding my 6 week old little girl. And I try to pump 20-30 minutes after her morning feed.

- I’m constantly worried that I’m not going to be able to pump enough. And watching each drop that comes out... so not able to relax.

- I could have the suction speed too high/low? I’ve tried both but neither seem to work better than the other.

- I’m not waiting/pumping long enough?

- I’m wearing a pumping bra to hold the shields in place, but maybe they are pressing too much into my breast? Preventing milk from coming out?

Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated 🙏🙏🙏 TIA