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Hi, I'm new here and I need help.

I'm about to finish my senior year of high school, I'm a CNA through an amazing trade school, and I just got my acceptance letter from my favorite college..and i think I'm pregnant.

I had sex on the 6th of this month(after downloading this app, I believe this was the day before I ovulate)& was suppose to get my period the 20th, nothing. I have an irregular cycle, as in I will get my period one month for a six day., And then three days the next month. It is not uncommon that I have not gotten my period yet, but the symptoms do not help reassure me. The start of my second week since possible conception, I began to get headaches at night and constant back pain, that radiates to my legs. I have never experienced this before, and I get it vivid dreams, when I used to know I dream at all. My temperature rises and drops, I've had food aversion like crazy to my favorite foods! I have menstrual like cramps, that make me think I'm about to get my period, and then don't.I'm tired, but I'm always tired. I don't know if I'm just worrying, should I test now or wait? Please give me some advice

This was not planned, but I truly believe every baby is a gift from God. I will drop everything, all of my plans, for you