Lucky Labour


My daughter’s due date was supposed to be April 18th but my doctor and I planned on being induced on the 16th of April . Every week I would go to the doctors just to be discouraged that I wasn’t dilating . At this point I was getting frustrated due to lack of sleep,always having to urinate and I was just over the whole experience. I couldn’t wait to get her out . So we scheduled a regular doctors visit for Monday the 16th in which he would preform my regular check up and then send me off to the hospital. So on Monday morning around 2:30 Am I start having mild and bearable contractions so I figured okay maybe they’re BH I’ll try to get some rest . I was supposed to wake up at 9 am to start my day being that my appointment was at 3pm then after that I would be going straight to the hospital . I still had to make a quick trip to the mall & then Walmart for some snacks for hubby . So as my day progressed the contractions got stronger and at 3pm at my doctors office they were now 10-15 minutes apart but still bearable . My doctor takes me in immediately and checks me and I’m still NOT DILATED. I was like omg I’m gonna be in labour forever .

I get to the hospital at 530pm by the time they set me up with an Iv and took blood and I register it’s 630. My doctor walks into the hospital at around 7 and my nurse comes in and checks me and surprisingly I’m 4cm dilated out of no where with out even being induced. My doctor now comes in to ask if I wanted an epidural and I agreed but the anesthesiologist takes about over an hour to even come . Now my contractions are coming every minute and they’re the most painful things I’ve ever felt in my life . At this point I’m crying and breathing and I’m having back labour so I’m feeling everything just in my back . It’s now 830 pm and my doctor comes in to check me and I’m 9cm dilated !!! So he breaks my water . Now the anesthesiologist walks in but it’s too late for epidural so I have to go natural ! My nurse tells me if I have the urge to poop or push let her know . So my husband is hungry he’s like I’m gonna go grab a lunchable . And I was like I think I have to push babe . So the nurse over heard and she checks me and right there is my little girls head ! So the nurse says to my husband the only thing you’re gonna be grabbing right now is a leg ! After ten pushes and 20+ stitches and no epidural my little princess Valentina Rose Singh was born at 9:06 pm on Monday April 16th 2018 . All with out even having to be induced . So I had a lucky labour ! Going from 0cm dilated to 10cm dilated and giving birth in just about 3.5 hours . Here’s my little princess