When does this craziness end?!?!

So bad enough I am a mother of a 5 year old daughter who pretty much was unwanted following her birth (dead beat), now here I am 32 on my second baby and going through hell and some all over again... like I just want a fucking break.. no he isnt physically abusive, but the mental. and emotional is unreal and majority if the issues are his fault... Like how do you tell me not to go to your moms when you're not there bc you're upset I told her I was pregnant, honestly nothing would've been said until later yet I was upset, hurt, and benting after finding out that again he's still seeing this same female and acting as though myselfb my child, our relationship etc dont exist... like we live together so how is this supposed to be ok.. No sir, then to always wanna spin it like it's me snooping etc like hell no.. I do entirely too much and am too good of a person/ woman to be treated this way and then he makes it too clear he doesn't want anymore kids. I'm stsrting to feel as though he wants to stress me out so thst I can miscarry...