second opinion


I had a miscarriage 3 months ago and was told I had a partial molar pregnancy. The doctor told me that we had to wait a full year and go for monthly HCG tests before we could try again because if I got pregnant before the end of the year, it would raise my risk of getting cancer from the pregnancy. We understand that there are medical reasons for what doctors recommend but our miscarriage was very hard on us just as it is on everyone else that unfortunetly goes through it, and we want to try again for our rainbow baby more than anything in the world and this year wait is killing us emotionally. We plan on going to a different OBGYN to get a second opinion but I was curious if anyone else was told they had to wait a full year after having a partial molar pregnancy. I know this isn't a professional second opinion but I was just curious about if anyone else was told this. We thank everyone who responds in advance. A little hope that the doctors will have a different opinion, would mean the world to us!