Welcoming Josiah !


Finally getting to share my birth story ! I’m a young new mother and was already terrified of how my labor and delivery would go because I didn’t know what to expect . My first due date was 4/27/18 then changed to 4/20/18 . I had my little man on 4/16/18 at 12:06 in the afternoon. I was 39 weeks and some days and had no sign of labor . At my weekly appointments I was still not dilated. Saturday on the 14 I went to a family cookout and was having contractions all day but I thought nothing of it because I had irregular contractions all the time , I also kept peeing more than usual and had to poop a lot of times. But still just thought it was normal . Sunday on the 15 I went to go see my cousin who just had her baby and my grandma encouraged me to get checked out before I went to see her because my contractions still hasn’t stopped I really didn’t want to becuse I had a couple of false labors already . But I’m glad she made me ! Lol I got checked in and hooked up to monitor my contractions and they were 5-6 min apart and I was 3 centimeters dilated almost 4! I was shocked! And so happy and nervous . The nurse told me to walk around to see if I get any change until my doctor decided what he wanted me to do . I walked for an hour and was checked again and I was a 3 so my doctor decided to keep me and induce labor .. so I called my husband and told him to gather our things and head this way because it was time . So I finally got moved and changed into in my room and hooked to the monitors and got my I.v, my contractions by then started getting more intense and I was handling them well . A couple of hours went by and I was in so much pain so I talked to my nurse and decided to get the epidural he came within 30-40 min . The process was not bad at all ! It just feels like your getting a shot . I was so nervous I kept shaking but held it together so I wouldn’t mess anything up . After all of that was done 30 min passed and I didn’t feel any contractions but my vagina was not numb at all ! I had to get the catheter inserted and that hurt so bad I cried ! It hurt worse than my epidural and that was a shock I was so uncomfortable my whole labor with that inside of me . So hours passed and I was checked again and was at a 5 and stayed that way for the whole night! They even gave me pitocin but it didn’t help . I tried sleeping but only slept for 30 min and woke up each hour . It was horrible . My butt had so much pressure and vagina was hurting . My nurse asked if I wanted more medicine so the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a dose of some Medicine and it helped for a bit . Around 9am close to 10 my doctor came in and broke my water. He also inserted some other things and it hurt so bad . My epidural was not working anymore and idk why . When the nurse came back to check me at 11 something I was at a 10 and they could see his head . Before I was checked I was having so many contractions and hurting so bad in my butt my body wanted to push and I did just that. They hurried and got the doctor and set everything up I was so nervous and shaking . I pushed for 30 min and felt everything ! I even had to get an episiotomy and it hurt so bad I screamed crying and he was surprised I could feel that so I guess he gave me a shot to numb the area . After a couple more pushes my baby finally entered the world at 12:06 during lunch time lol his cry was adorable they put him on me and he was warm ! And bloody of course lol . So my doctor started to clean me up and they took to the baby to clean him off and while that was happening I was getting stitched up and could feel it all my doctor was still shocked I could feel it and just kept going because the numb medicine wasn’t working I cried the whole time and even more when they pushed on my stomach to get some clots out and more blood . Maybe 10-20 min he was done and I was so weak I really don’t remember much so I have to keep asking my husband a lot of what happened lol .. I didn’t tear or rip anything else except getting the episiotomy. So I was glad for that . My doctor assured me I’d be ok and I thanked him for everything! It was a really wonderful crazy traumatic loving emotional experience. And I’d do it all again for my handsome healthy 8 pound 1 oz 20 in baby boy ❤️