Struggling (sorry it’s so long)


Hey ladies,

I’m not sure how many can relate.. but i feel very alone. I lost my first born when he was about 3.5months old. Then before I could even blink, we found out we were pregnant with baby #2 (turns out she was in my womb before we lost her older brother) when we lost her older brother.. my sister in law moved in with us to help us and be there for us, which was nice at the time.

Fast forwarding.. now that my baby girl is here.. it’s almost like I’ve become super “territorial” of my daughter. Not so much with everyone but mainly my sister in law. I’m not sure if it’s because she lives with us and overbearing or what? But if my sister in law holds her for too long, takes selfies with her, or feeds her.. i just go into this downward spiral of depression and get super upset and feel like I’m unworthy and that my daughter doesn’t need me etc.

like today.. my sister in law posted a pic she took of her and my daughter in matching outfits (our kickball team jerseys) did it before i could, and now i feel like the first matching outfit i had with her isn’t so special... and now I’m super upset that everyone sees them and not me and my daughter. Even someone at a kickball game when they took the pic was like “oh i take it your the mom”... to my sister in law... and it about destroyed me.... WHY?!? Am i the crazy one ? Anyone else feel this way? Please feel free to say your opinion.