Angel mamas...

Megan • Mommy to 1 👧🏻 and 1 👼🏼🦋 6/16 MC💔7/17 stillborn💔 PREGNANT with our miracle 🙏🏻👣👶🏻❤️

I’m working on a little project. Teaming together with something my mothers been hosting for years now, it’s a Luncheon for Mother’s of Children with Autism. This year is is theming her luncheon “butterfly garden” in honor of my son who I lost at full term last summer. There will be lots of painted trees as part of decor in the room. One of the trees will go for honoring angel babes. If anyone would like their babes name included to be written on a butterfly and placed on the tree please leave their name below. If you have an IG account and can find me there megan_cupcake11

I am collecting names there so i can tag the mamas when it’s done. Thanks guys.