Molar pregnancy 🤰🏻💔

Haley • Expecting my rainbow baby next March 2019🌈🤰🏻

Hi ladies! I’m one of many who has dealt with the rare pregnancy, I had a full molar pregnancy earlier this year. I found out I was pregnant December 26th, I didn’t get my first doc appointment set up till February 14th. That was when my doctor told me that there was no fetus inside of me, it was just a bunch of grape like things inside the placenta. On the 19th of February I had a d&c; to remove it. It’s been roughly about 8 weeks later and my hcg levels have dropped to 0. I’m just curious if anyone didn’t follow the doctors rules about suggesting not to get pregnant within 6-12 months later from the surgery. I have missed my period this month and will be getting a test soon, has anyone else been in this position? How did the pregnancy after the molar pregnancy go? How is your baby developing? What are your docs saying? Please help. Thank you!❤️