I’ve been waiting for so long to share my birth story

I’ve been waiting for so long to share my birth story!! 
So here’s how it goes I was due April 3 and I was barley a tight one cm dilated and baby was head down I went in Thursday to get a pill to soften my cervix sadly I stayed a one and nothing changed so if nothing happened till Monday I would go in to be induced so all Friday Saturday and Sunday I did what I could to try and go into labor nothing then Monday came I went into the hospital at 7 am getting ready to be induced the nurse checked me and I was still a 1!!!😤 so they started the pitosin and after 3 hours I was checked again and I was still a 1  after 6 hours of being on pitosin and having mild contractions my OB came in and checked me he said I was still a 1 so he dialated me to a tight 3 but.... he looks at me and says uh-oh and I got worried he said it feels like a crack and he told me that he was going to order a sonogram to see if baby turned and is but down 
Sure enough the lady came in and put the machine under my boobs and said yup there’s his head. In 4 days my baby turned butt down I was ordered to have an emergency c section! My biggest fear was to get a c section so they prepped me and took me in in less than 30 minutes 
I don’t know how long I was in the surgery it felt like minutes 
I was told I was gonna feel some pressure and seconds later I heard my sweet baby boy cry!  
Being 6 days over due I had a beautiful baby boy at 2:47 pm on April 9,2018 
named Levi Ariel Magallanes-Carrillo weighing in at 9 lbs  
was 21 in long exact  
I’m having the time of my life being a mom he’s such a blessing and certainly turned my whole life around !!
This was me during surgery with my mom talking to her to not think about how I couldn’t feel my body or that I’m getting cut open lol 
This is my lovely family 💕