Early Pregnancy loss

Amanda • 👼🏻12.27.18 👼🏻01.29.21 🌈🌈08.22.22

I was so happy last week when I discovered that I was pregnant. I told my husband, our two closest friends, and I called my GYN the next day to get a confirmation of the pregnancy. Friday I had my blood drawn, didn’t get the news until Monday. She told me Congratulations! You’re due December 28th!

Monday she ordered another HCG level—she called yesterday morning and I knew as soon as she started talking that what she was about to say was going to break my heart. She had me try and get an ultrasound to see how everything was progressing because my levels didn’t double as they should have. Well, the triage OB MD didn’t see a real reason to do an ultrasound—they just drew more blood.

I spent the better part of yesterday feeling defeated and hopeless but still trying to be optimistic that my levels were just progressing slowly. Fast forward to this morning and I start cramping as if I were having my period and then the bleeding starts and I knew then that my pregnancy was short-lived. I am so heartbroken, as is my husband. For only being a little less than 5 weeks along it still hurts tremendously...