i’m freaking out!!!!! 😰

Makenzie • loving girlfriend of seven months ❤️ motivated Penn State applicant 🎓 survivor of abuse and mental illness 💪🏼;

i am sixteen and have no intentions to get pregnant. i’m on the pill and i’ve been taking it every day within 4 hours. but i haven’t had my period in 5 days now and i’m really stressed.

it normally doesn’t come on the dot, and my last period came much earlier than expected..

i switched apps from Flo to this which fucked up all of my cycle chart. my boyfriend was coming inside me a lot for the past two weeks. now he’s freaking out thinking i’m pregnant.

here’s what i’ve been feeling lately:

1. migraines!! 🧠

2. upset stomach (i threw up on Monday) 🤢

3. agitation 😒

4. faint cramping 😣

5. hot flashes or sudden feelings of discomfort 🔥

i’m going to buy a pregnancy test today but i’m shaking i’m so nervous. once again; my period doesn’t normally fall exactly on the same day but the idea is way too scary to ignore.

📌edit: i also DID have a mild concussion two weeks ago, could it just be that?