January 5th with 🌈 Baby

👧🏽Lindsay👶🏽 • 👰🏻🤵🏿💍 2012. 👧🏽🎀 1/2016. 👼🏽MC Oct ‘17. 👶🏽🎀 #2 born 12/2018! #2 was born with medical and special needs. My girls are the joy of my life💕

Just found out today that I am due with #2 in early January! My daughter will be turning 3 January 21st....combined birthday parties??! Lol

I wasn’t due for my period for another 3 days so I was totally shocked to get a positive HPT today (and at 3:30 in the afternoon!)

I lost a baby at 7.5 weeks back in October...so I’m trusting God that this one sticks!