HSG after two cycles

Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

After two back to back miscarriages (I’m 38 and have no other children) I decided to go to a fertility specialist even though I thought the fact that I get pregnant quickly meant I didn’t have fertility issues. Anyway he wants me to do HSG, FSH, Estradiol, prolactin, antimullerian hormone testing but he said I can’t do it until my HCG drops to negative which he said should happen on my second cycle. We just found out about the miscarriage in 4/13 when I was supposed to be 9 weeks but was 6 w 4 days. Before that I had a miscarriage in December also in first trimester. This has been an absolute nightmare. Does it make sense I’m waiting that long? In addition , they said they don’t test for the mthfr gene mutation Bc he said it’s not necessary. My general ob also did some testing including chromosomal testing and testing of the tissue from my D&C.; Does a fertility specialist seem wise to do after two losses? I just always thought I’d fertility to mean people who can’t get pregnant and we got preg within two months both times we just having trouble keeping it. Praying for a good and healthy pregnancy next time. With my age and the fact that I’ve already had two losses concerns me but trying not to worry too much about age. I’m glad I’m pushing for testing now Bc they wouldn’t even refer me until I asked - said they generally don’t consider it recurrent pregnancy loss until you’ve had three!! How insane is that?!?!