Is it normal?


I’m getting married in November to the most wonderful man on this side of earth. We’re both really eager to start our family together but we want to wait until after the wedding. Everyday for the last few months I’ve just been so depressed and unmotivated to do simple things like even get out of bed. I always read stories on <a href="">Eve</a> and hear about it at work about girls who are pregnant and beginning their families and it honestly hurts so badly in my heart. I want children so deeply that it literally depresses me so much that I can’t be pregnant yet. I work with children all day and by the time I get home I can hardly get out of bed to eat or shower. It’s like random things trigger me and it feels like a tsunami of sadness crashes over me and I’ve forgotten how to swim..

Is it normal to feel depressed about pregnancy? Am I overreacting? I feel like my depression is only amplified when I’m intimate with my fiancé or when I’m reading about mothers with their new families. I want so badly to be pregnant and create a child with the man I love. Everyone keeps telling me to wait until after wedding and wait because I’m only 20.. but I can feel my heart breaking more and more each day.