What's the craziest way somebody tried to get your number?

I happened to be sitting in traffic one day, texting my then boyfriend and changing my music (I know, not safe 😂) and this dude pulls up next to me in the other lane and goes "let me put my number in your phone!" and at the same time, he's slowly driving forward because the lane is moving and I'm telling him I have a boyfriend, and he's like, "no you don't!" 🤦🏾‍♀️

Another time was when I was walking to Office Depot, to fax some papers for school, and I'm crossing the street and this dude stops in the middle of the road, and says "Hey! let me get your number" and at this point, I wasn't in the mood so I'm yelling him, I have a man and he's like "so you can't have friends?" (why do they always use this line??? 🙄😒) so I'm like "no" and he was still persistent so I pretended to put this number in my phone so he could leave me alone 😂

Last but not least, I was having an interview at this bar, one of the workers there asked me who I was looking for and directed me in the right direction. After the interview, I'm sitting in my car trying to find a song in my music library, and all I hear is a *tap tap* on my window. Turns out the worker from inside followed me to my car, and threw a piece of paper through my window (I looked at him like he was crazy) and he was like "you got a man?" and when I said yeah, he goes "oh, let me have that back then"..... 😂

What's the craziest way a dude tried to slide into your dms?