No touchy no touchy *small rant


I work in long term care so my averavge resident is about 90. This makes the kinds who come in between the 60s & 70s in age. I wore my first maternity scrub top to work and this ladies daughter was nice enough to ask if I was expecting but then just instantly started putting her hands all over my belly. I made a point to tell her that there’s no movement yet and she just kept touching me. I finally excused myself and walked away and she came back in the hall to ask be a question and instantly went to touching me again!

Now don’t get me wrong if I know you then by all means it’s cool and fine with you touching. Even my residents who are in there 80s and 90s ask first, even the ones with dementia. But what the hell is it that people who seem to fall between 60s and 70s seem to think that my expanding midsection is free game?