D&C tissue contaminated?? APS positive

Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

I just had my second consecutive miscarriage on 4/13 (first one in December 2017) No kids yet and I’m 38 , it’s been the worst time in my life... anyway after this happening twice I decided to go to a fertility specialist. They won’t do any blood work on me yet Bc they want to wait til my HCG drops to negative. But my obgyn did do blood work on me the day before my D&C.; The only thing that came up positive was APS. She said it was high but said she isn’t concerned Bc 99% of the time it would be high when pregnant and would want to test me agin in 6 MoNTHs! First of all, If she knew I would get a false positive why test me at all ?!?? I’m thinking maybe to make $ - seriously! Second of all, 6 months seems like way too long for me to wait to see if I have a blood clotting disorder. I’m going to be 39 in two months and six months from now is October. I’m not waiting till then to start trying again and I obviously need to know if I have this Bc If I do I need to take a shot during pregnancy and I’m not doing it until I know I’m def positive . Has any one heard of waiting that long? Is it true APS is almost always positive until the pregnancy hormone is out of your body? Also, as if this wasn’t devastating enough- after my D&C; I requested the tissue to be tested to see what was wrong and she tells me “it was contaminated” and they couldn’t test the fetal tissue. I asked her what do You mean??? She goes “don’t read into it” and that she’s never heard of anything like that before. I think it’s time to find a new obgyn Bc I am NOT being taken seriously with her!! To call my baby contaminated disgusts me. This whole process is so frustrating!!! A miscarriage is hard enough but when doctors make it feel like a medical inconvenience it’s even harder. 😓